System zarządzania z imponującym zestawem narzędzi, który pozwala na usprawnienie procesów operacyjnych i skalowanie komunikacji wraz z firmą.
Zamów demonstrację

Dzięki naszej potężnej platformie możesz tworzyć i dostosowywać procesy biznesowe o dowolnej złożoności.

Niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz zarządzania projektami, czy spójnej pracy z najpopularniejszymi mediami społecznościowymi, znajdziemy możliwości optymalizacji każdego procesu, którego potrzebuje Twoja firma, z pomocą unikalnych narzędzi do integracji wymaganych usług za pośrednictwem usług konektorowych lub otwarte API.

Nasza platforma jest dla

Kierowników działu sprzedaży

Skupiaj  się na jednej przestrzeni bez konieczności przełączania się między zakładkami, serwisami internetowymi lub aplikacjami

Dyrektorów sprzedaży

Z łatwością twórz i rozwijaj lejki sprzedażowe oraz koordynuj wyniki swoich menedżerów.

Właścicieli przedsiębiorstw

Uzyskaj system zarządzania dla najbardziej efektywnego wykorzystania zasobów firmy

O naszych usługach

Jedno okienko komunikacji ze wszystkimi klientami
Połącz żądania klientów ze wszystkich kanałów komunikacji w jednym miejscu i wreszcie przestań przełączać się między zakładkami, serwisami internatowymi lub aplikacjami.
Skuteczny lejek sprzedaży
Skonfiguruj system statusu dla żądań/zamówień klientów od pierwszego punktu kontaktu do zbierania opinii. Pomoże to szybko reagować na nowych klientów, nie tracąc żadnego z nich z powodu długiego czasu reakcji.
Kontrola nad produktywnością menedżerów
Przetwarzanie wymaganej liczby żądań/zleceń jednocześnie poprzez rozdzielanie ich między menedżerów zgodnie z poziomem obciążenia.
Regularne aktualizacje bazy danych klientów
Pogrupuj swoich odbiorców w segmenty według określonych kryteriów i skonfiguruj skuteczne procesy retencji lub spersonalizowane kampanie reklamowe.
Jasna i przejrzysta analityka
Uzyskaj statystyki i analizy finansowe za dowolny okres czasu wraz ze wskaźnikami, które są dla Ciebie ważne: liczba zamówień, wielkość sprzedaży, stosunek wydatków do zysku i inne.
Obsługa wielu platform
Pracuj z naszymi narzędziami serwisowymi z dowolnego miejsca, korzystając z wygodnego urządzenia: PC, tabletu lub smartfona.
Dowiedz się więcej

Integracja z Facebook i Instagram

Zainicjuj komunikację z klientami, którzy komentują Twoje posty.
Nie ma ryzyka zablokowania z powodu "podejrzanej aktywności". Wszystko jest oficjalne
Otrzymuj reakcje i wiadomości na swoje relacje
Odsłuchiwanie wiadomości głosowych od klientów w CRM
Użyj CRM, aby odpowiadać na komentarze klientów pod postami
Udostępnianie obrazów, zdjęć i filmów
Automatyczne zatwierdzanie żądań wiadomości
Wyświetlanie wiadomości wideo od klientów w CRM
Praca z cytowaniem (można zobaczyć tekst cytowany przez klienta)
Odpowiadaj klientom, którzy udostępniają Twoje posty na Instagramie w prywatne wiadomościach.

Zobacz jak to działa

Szybkie odpowiedzi
Napisz w prywatne wiadomościach do osób, które zostawiają komentarze pod postami.
Odsłuchiwanie wiadomości głosowych wysyłanych przez klientów bezpośrednio w CRM
Odpowiadaj na komentarze pod postami
Dowiedz się więcej o
możliwościach i funkcjonalności usługi,
zamawiając darmowe demo
Dziękujemy, Twoje dane zostały pomyślnie wysłane
Sprawdź poprawność uzupełnionych danych

AAA Account connection

Registering a new account, inviting and onboarding employees in Planfix

Sales funnel

Creating statuses/stages for each order/request and interactive real time sales funnel according to your business processes

Customer base

Importing a customer contact database into Planfix
Auto-saving and segmenting all new contacts according to your request

Free support and training

3 days


Integrating with the company's social media pages (Facebook and Instagram)
Integrating with messengers (Facebook Messenger, Viber bot, Telegram bot, WhatsApp*)
Integrating with your website via email
Connecting your corporate/personal email service
Integrating with chat service located on your website
Integrating VoIP into the Planfix account


Creating and adjusting up to 4 planners
Setting up the ability to work separately with comments on social media pages and in private messages
Separating interfaces for manager funnel and admin funnel

Reporting and analytics

Crafting report templates to monitor the number of orders/requests, situation with various operations, and manager productivity
Customizing reports
Accounting and analytics of orders/requests and payments from customers
Status/stages tracking

Process automation

Automatic calculation of the number of successful orders and returns
Visual highlighting of the dialogues/requests from customers who've successfully ordered from you
Sending automatic notifications to managers about dialogues/requests with no recent activity
Autoresponder functionality during non-business hours
Setting up working and non-working hours for managers to allow redistribution of dialogues/requests among them
Autocomplete tasks, autodelete files
Automatic notifications about restricted communication channels (when it comes to Facebook and Instagram restrictions)

Knowledge base

Pre-established directory with adjustable quick responses
Set up a quick response directory
Rooting configuration according to the shape of the working hour

BBB Account connection

Registering a new account, inviting and onboarding employees in Planfix

Sales funnel

Creating statuses/stages for each order/request and interactive real time sales funnel according to your business processes

Customer base

Importing a customer contact database into Planfix
Auto-saving and segmenting all new contacts according to your request

Free support and training

7 days


Integrating with the company's social media pages (Facebook and Instagram)
Integrating with messengers (Facebook Messenger, Viber bot, Telegram bot, WhatsApp*)
Integrating with your website via email
Connecting your corporate/personal email service
Integrating with chat service located on your website
Integrating VoIP into the Planfix account


Creating and adjusting up to 4 planners
Setting up the ability to work separately with comments on social media pages and in private messages
Separating interfaces for manager funnel and admin funnel

Reporting and analytics

Crafting report templates to monitor the number of orders/requests, situation with various operations, and manager productivity
Customizing reports
Accounting and analytics of orders/requests and payments from customers
Status/stages tracking

Process automation

Automatic calculation of the number of successful orders and returns
Visual highlighting of the dialogues/requests from customers who've successfully ordered from you
Sending automatic notifications to managers about dialogues/requests with no recent activity
Autoresponder functionality during non-business hours
Setting up working and non-working hours for managers to allow redistribution of dialogues/requests among them
Autocomplete tasks, autodelete files
Automatic notifications about restricted communication channels (when it comes to Facebook and Instagram restrictions)

Knowledge base

Pre-established directory with adjustable quick responses
Set up a quick response directory
Rooting configuration according to the shape of the working hour

FFF Account connection

Registering a new account, inviting and onboarding employees in Planfix

Sales funnel

Creating statuses/stages for each order/request and interactive real time sales funnel according to your business processes

Customer base

Importing a customer contact database into Planfix
Auto-saving and segmenting all new contacts according to your request

Free support and training

10 days


Integrating with the company's social media pages (Facebook and Instagram)
Integrating with messengers (Facebook Messenger, Viber bot, Telegram bot, WhatsApp*)
Integrating with your website via email
Connecting your corporate/personal email service
Integrating with chat service located on your website
Integrating VoIP into the Planfix account


Creating and adjusting up to 4 planners
Setting up the ability to work separately with comments on social media pages and in private messages
Separating interfaces for manager funnel and admin funnel

Reporting and analytics

Crafting report templates to monitor the number of orders/requests, situation with various operations, and manager productivity
Customizing reports
Accounting and analytics of orders/requests and payments from customers
Status/stages tracking

Process automation

Automatic calculation of the number of successful orders and returns
Visual highlighting of the dialogues/requests from customers who've successfully ordered from you
Sending automatic notifications to managers about dialogues/requests with no recent activity
Autoresponder functionality during non-business hours
Setting up working and non-working hours for managers to allow redistribution of dialogues/requests among them
Autocomplete tasks, autodelete files
Automatic notifications about restricted communication channels (when it comes to Facebook and Instagram restrictions)

Knowledge base

Pre-established directory with adjustable quick responses
Set up a quick response directory
Rooting configuration according to the shape of the working hour


Plan А
Plan B
Plan F

Połączenie z kontem

Rejestracja nowego konta, zapraszanie i wdrażanie pracowników w Planfix

Lejek sprzedaży

Baza klientów

Importowanie bazy danych kontaktów klientów do Planfix
Automatyczne zapisywanie i segmentowanie wszystkich nowych kontaktów zgodnie z życzeniem użytkownika

Bezpłatne wsparcie i szkolenia

3 dni
7 dni
10 dni


Integracja ze stronami firmy w mediach społecznościowych (Facebook i Instagram)
Integracja z komunikatorami (Facebook Messenger, Viber bot, Telegram bot, WhatsApp)
Integracja z witryną przez e-mail
Podłączenie firmowej/prywatnej usługi e-mail
Integracja z usługą czatu znajdującą się na stronie internetowej
Integracja VoIP z kontem Planfix

Obszar roboczy

Tworzenie i dostosowywanie do 4 planistów
Ustawienie możliwości oddzielnej pracy z komentarzami na stronach mediów społecznościowych i w wiadomościach prywatnych
Osobny interfejs dla lejka managera i lejka admina

Raportowanie i analityka

Tworzenie szablonów raportów w celu monitorowania liczby zamówień/zapytań, sytuacji z różnymi operacjami i produktywności menedżerów.
Dostosowywanie raportów
Księgowanie i analiza zamówień/żądań i płatności od klientów
Śledzenie statusu/etapów

Automatyzacja procesów

Automatyczne obliczanie liczby udanych zamówień i zwrotów
Wizualne wyróżnienie dialogów/zapytań od klientów, którzy pomyślnie złożyli u ciebie zamówienie
Wysyłanie automatycznych powiadomień do menedżerów o dialogach/zapytaniach bez ostatniej aktywności
Funkcjonalność autorespondera poza godzinami pracy
Ustalenie godzin pracy i godzin wolnych od pracy dla menedżerów, aby umożliwić redystrybucję dialogów/zapytań między nimi
Autouzupełnianie zadań, automatyczne usuwanie plików
Automatyczne powiadomienia o ograniczonych kanałach komunikacji (jeśli chodzi o ograniczenia na Facebooku i Instagramie)

Baza wiedzy

Wstępnie ustalony katalog z regulowanymi szybkimi odpowiedziami
Konfigurowanie katalogu szybkiej odpowiedzi
Wdrażanie konfiguracji rejestracji czasu pracy
Zacznij komunikować się mądrzej, lepiej i szybciej

Jak działa połączenie?


Prezentacja platformy

Umawiamy się z Tobą na wideorozmowę, aby zademonstrować możliwości platformy zgodnie z Twoim życzeniem

Formułowanie specyfikacji technicznych

Omawiamy zadania i wymagania dotyczące ich realizacji, uzgadniamy zakres obowiązków


Ustawiamy platformę ściśle według specyfikacji technicznej i testujemy jej działanie


Uzgadniamy wszystkie ustawienia i podłączamy platformę do Twoich kont


Zapewniamy wsparcie techniczne i szkolenie personelu
Porozmawiaj z zespołem
Wszystkie pytania dotyczące platformy możesz zadać na wspólnym czacie z zespołem wsparcia

Opinie użytkowników

Kim Fomkin
To everyone who’s currently struggling with business automation and building systematic work processes for the company, I definitely recommend Mykola and his team.

Step by step we’re solving various processes in my IT company. As a recent example, we have developed and implemented a system for our new "server technical support and administration" services that automates and simplifies work with our clients.

I really like Mykola's work principles. He’s always eager to offer the best solutions, without trying to add extra work. Our cooperation is very efficient and transparent.
Albert Shoom
Huge thanks to ProcessFather for helping to put our social media in order. Instagram and Facebook provide little functionality to work with customers, and ProcessFather, together with Planfix, fills all the gaps due to which we may lose customers, orders, and money.

The platform takes some time to get used to, but after that life becomes much easier))

And most importantly, whenever something is unclear, you can contact ProcessFather support, and they will instantly solve any of your problems.
Alexandr Kuznetsov
Planfix is a powerful corporate governance tool. We at InteractiveCenter didn’t use PlanFix to its full potential before teaming up with ProcessFather. In the span of several months of cooperation, we’ve managed to digitize important business processes. Mykola is extremely proactive! He doesn’t simply follow the ToR but predicts and makes guesses about what we actually need. Then he helps us to form requests and implement them. Recommended!
Victoria Brezgalova
Thanks to ProcessFather and Planfix, we have improved all of our processes by 70%. 100% improvement wouldn’t have been possible since we are a large production company.

Without automation, we would go crazy, especially with social media. Thanks to Planfix, I have two online store managers working effectively. When it comes to requests from our social media accounts, my managers and I always have a finger on the pulse. Thanks to Planfix, managers see interested customers under each post and do their best to convert every lead to an actual buyer. In the past, we lost too many customers because we didn’t properly manage the comments under our posts. And now, using Planfix, we work with every customer who simply leaves a comment under a post expressing how they liked something that we sell. In 50% of cases, these leads become customers.

Big thank you to your entire team for constantly being online and answering my questions. Couldn’t be happier to work with professionals like you!
Yaremenko Vadym
Our company offers chimney and venting services with home visits. For 6 months we’d been using AMO CRM, but it did not solve our problems, so we started to look for another solution that would cover our needs while offering flexible settings + good ratio of price/quality. At the Business Concentrate forum, we were advised to pay attention to PlanFix, and that’s how we turned to the guys from ProcessFather. We didn’t have a huge budget, so we broke down the CRM integration into step-by-step stages, and everything worked out 🙂 Hooray! Slowly but surely, we’ve adjusted all the main processes and taught the employees how to work with the platform. It took them some time to get used to this new software, but eventually, they figured it out! Now everything works as we wanted. The reports are displayed automatically and there’s finally no need to create them manually! We’re exploring all of the features, improving, making adjustments, and learning! I’m really satisfied with the cooperation 😀🙏 The most valuable thing to note is the loyal, understanding, and compassionate attitude of Mykola and his ProcessFather team!
Andriy Kolomiytsev
Many thanks to Mykola! I’m happy to cooperate with ProcessFather.

Their team of specialists managed to implement a model of our company's business processes into the CRM Planfix system, which allowed to formalize the relationship in the vertical management of the company and make the work process much more manageable.

I definitely recommend these guys.

They respond almost instantly to any adjustment requests and when new tasks arise.

Cool people, great cooperation.
Nikita Pustovoi
For some time we worked with AMO CRM. It was convenient for us in terms of making calls, the sales department was satisfied, the integration with landing worked great, and everything was great. But the integration with Instagram and direct messages, in particular, worked crookedly. There were very few useful settings, filters, analytics, controls, etc…

We didn't know what to do and by chance, I met Mykola and his company ProcessFather. He offered to start working with Planfix. We didn’t know about this software at all, you’d agree it’s not the most popular platform out there. But we decided to take a risk and give it a try. So now with Planfix, our team has grown to 17 people, they work with the platform efficiently, and everything’s clear and transparent. There are different policies for the distribution of leads, you can easily monitor conversion rates, and you can see how many leads of different statuses each manager works with. We can precisely determine the load and therefore draw conclusions. It has become much easier to run a company.

Simple chatting in the direct messages doesn’t lead to any conclusions, it is impossible to calculate the profit. With 12 people, you can’t just go in and count the money. Without this platform, we would not be making as much money for sure. Everything would be much more complicated. Employees would not earn so much, they would have lower efficiency, it’s all closely connected. We would have an increased staff turnover, the recruiter would have more work, and so on ...

Just imagine how one platform can solve so many issues. I am very grateful to ProcessFather for their help, what they did for us is just fantastic. You surely gotta try to work with them!
Andriy Panchenko
I own a company that manufactures and sells shoes online. Before we implemented Planfix, my main problem was that we couldn't scale the business. I could not hire new managers, there were problems with connecting Facebook and Instagram, and other sites. We could not reply to our customers in messengers. I had a separate manager or several managers for each site, they were confused and conflicted with each other. Decent control of KPIs and manager productivity was out of the question.After we implemented Planfix, we were able to scale the business. Managers became universal regardless of the site, and clear and understandable control tools were implemented. Before Planfix, I had 3 people working in the sales department. Today I have 17 people working there. We’ve almost tripled our sales!I went through many CRM systems before implementing Planfix, the main deciding factor for me was the approach that Mykola and his team used at ProcessFather. I talked to a lot of teams that implemented both Bitrix24 and AMO CRM, and they weren’t completely satisfied with the CRMs. It was very important for me to be in constant contact with Mykola and his team so that my demands were met as quickly as possible, and exactly the way I wanted.I am absolutely satisfied with the cooperation, this is the fourth year that we’ll be working together. Everything is great. Thank you, ProcessFather!
Anastasia Karida
Lead Marketer
It is a pleasure to work with professionals who can hear, submerge into, and understand the specifics of the client's business process. Thank you Process Father for your promptness, expertise, and patience :)
Victoria Brezgalova
Dzięki ProcessFather i PlanFix usprawniliśmy nasze procesy. Teraz mogę powiedzieć, że poprawiliśmy je o 70%. Nie o 100%, bo mamy produkcję na dużą skalę.

Bez automatyzacji byśmy zwariowali, zwłaszcza z mediami społecznościowymi. Dzięki PlanFix mam dwóch menefżerowie sklepu internetowego, którzy pracują wydajnie. Ja i moi managerowie zawsze trzymamy rękę na pulsie w mediach społecznościowych. Dzięki PlanFix menedżerowie mogą zobaczyć zainteresowanie pod postem i poprowadzić klienta do końca. W zeszłym roku straciliśmy klientów, którzy pisali pod postami i nie można było ich znaleźć i odnotować. A teraz klienci, którzy po prostu komentują post, że coś im się podoba, dzięki temu, że prowadzimy ich do PlanFixa, w 50 proc. przypadków stają się naszymi klientami.

I wielkie podziękowania dla całego waszego zespołu, który zawsze jest na bieżąco i zawsze można zadać każde pytanie. Dziękujemy za wasz profesjonalizm!
Andriy Panchenko
I own a company that manufactures and sells shoes online. Before we implemented Planfix, my main problem was that we couldn't scale the business. I could not hire new managers, there were problems with connecting Facebook and Instagram, and other sites. We could not reply to our customers in messengers. I had a separate manager or several managers for each site, they were confused and conflicted with each other. Decent control of KPIs and manager productivity was out of the question.After we implemented Planfix, we were able to scale the business. Managers became universal regardless of the site, and clear and understandable control tools were implemented. Before Planfix, I had 3 people working in the sales department. Today I have 17 people working there. We’ve almost tripled our sales!I went through many CRM systems before implementing Planfix, the main deciding factor for me was the approach that Mykola and his team used at ProcessFather. I talked to a lot of teams that implemented both Bitrix24 and AMO CRM, and they weren’t completely satisfied with the CRMs. It was very important for me to be in constant contact with Mykola and his team so that my demands were met as quickly as possible, and exactly the way I wanted.I am absolutely satisfied with the cooperation, this is the fourth year that we’ll be working together. Everything is great. Thank you, ProcessFather!
Kim Fomkin
To everyone who’s currently struggling with business automation and building systematic work processes for the company, I definitely recommend Mykola and his team.

Step by step we’re solving various processes in my IT company. As a recent example, we have developed and implemented a system for our new "server technical support and administration" services that automates and simplifies work with our clients.

I really like Mykola's work principles. He’s always eager to offer the best solutions, without trying to add extra work. Our cooperation is very efficient and transparent.
Yaremenko Vadym
Our company offers chimney and venting services with home visits. For 6 months we’d been using AMO CRM, but it did not solve our problems, so we started to look for another solution that would cover our needs while offering flexible settings + good ratio of price/quality. At the Business Concentrate forum, we were advised to pay attention to PlanFix, and that’s how we turned to the guys from ProcessFather. We didn’t have a huge budget, so we broke down the CRM integration into step-by-step stages, and everything worked out 🙂 Hooray! Slowly but surely, we’ve adjusted all the main processes and taught the employees how to work with the platform. It took them some time to get used to this new software, but eventually, they figured it out! Now everything works as we wanted. The reports are displayed automatically and there’s finally no need to create them manually! We’re exploring all of the features, improving, making adjustments, and learning! I’m really satisfied with the cooperation 😀🙏 The most valuable thing to note is the loyal, understanding, and compassionate attitude of Mykola and his ProcessFather team!
Andriy Kolomiytsev
Many thanks to Mykola! I’m happy to cooperate with ProcessFather.

Their team of specialists managed to implement a model of our company's business processes into the CRM Planfix system, which allowed to formalize the relationship in the vertical management of the company and make the work process much more manageable.

I definitely recommend these guys.

They respond almost instantly to any adjustment requests and when new tasks arise.

Cool people, great cooperation.
Albert Shoom
Huge thanks to ProcessFather for helping to put our social media in order. Instagram and Facebook provide little functionality to work with customers, and ProcessFather, together with Planfix, fills all the gaps due to which we may lose customers, orders, and money.

The platform takes some time to get used to, but after that life becomes much easier))

And most importantly, whenever something is unclear, you can contact ProcessFather support, and they will instantly solve any of your problems.
Alexandr Kuznetsov
Planfix is a powerful corporate governance tool. We at InteractiveCenter didn’t use PlanFix to its full potential before teaming up with ProcessFather. In the span of several months of cooperation, we’ve managed to digitize important business processes. Mykola is extremely proactive! He doesn’t simply follow the ToR but predicts and makes guesses about what we actually need. Then he helps us to form requests and implement them. Recommended!
Anastasia Karida
Lead Marketer
It is a pleasure to work with professionals who can hear, submerge into, and understand the specifics of the client's business process. Thank you Process Father for your promptness, expertise, and patience :)
Nikita Pustovoi
For some time we worked with AMO CRM. It was convenient for us in terms of making calls, the sales department was satisfied, the integration with landing worked great, and everything was great. But the integration with Instagram and direct messages, in particular, worked crookedly. There were very few useful settings, filters, analytics, controls, etc…

We didn't know what to do and by chance, I met Mykola and his company ProcessFather. He offered to start working with Planfix. We didn’t know about this software at all, you’d agree it’s not the most popular platform out there. But we decided to take a risk and give it a try. So now with Planfix, our team has grown to 17 people, they work with the platform efficiently, and everything’s clear and transparent. There are different policies for the distribution of leads, you can easily monitor conversion rates, and you can see how many leads of different statuses each manager works with. We can precisely determine the load and therefore draw conclusions. It has become much easier to run a company.

Simple chatting in the direct messages doesn’t lead to any conclusions, it is impossible to calculate the profit. With 12 people, you can’t just go in and count the money. Without this platform, we would not be making as much money for sure. Everything would be much more complicated. Employees would not earn so much, they would have lower efficiency, it’s all closely connected. We would have an increased staff turnover, the recruiter would have more work, and so on ...

Just imagine how one platform can solve so many issues. I am very grateful to ProcessFather for their help, what they did for us is just fantastic. You surely gotta try to work with them!


Pierwszy raz słyszę o waszej platformie. Dlaczego powinienem wam zaufać?

Platforma Planfix wykorzystuje w promocji metodę word-of-mouth, czyli rekomendacje między użytkownikami i właścicielami firm, i nie jest reklamowana w mediach. Z dumą publikujemy nasze przypadki współpracy, które znajdziesz właśnie na stronie :)

Ile będzie kosztowała migracja na Waszą platformę?

Import danych wliczony jest w koszt pakietów usług Plan B i Plan F.

Ile kosztuje nauka pracy z platformą?

Wsparcie i szkolenia są zawarte we wszystkich pakietach usług, jedyną różnicą jest liczba dni wsparcia.

Jak długo trwa konfiguracja?

Przygotowanie i założenie konta może zająć 2-3 dni robocze. Na każdym etapie przygotowania możesz dołączyć do procesu i kontrolować prace, jeśli chcesz.

Dlaczego jesteś wyjątkowy?

Nie sprzedajemy po prostu oprogramowania, ustawiamy idealne miejsce pracy dla Twojej firmy. Nasz produkt jest zbudowany w oparciu o nasze doświadczenie w pracy z ponad 30 sklepami na Instagramie.

Jeśli nie mam teraz strony internetowej, to czy będę mógł ją później podłączyć?

Oczywiście! Podczas zakładania konta przygotujemy z wyprzedzeniem wszystkie niezbędne ustawienia do odbierania żądań z witryny. W przyszłości strona może być podłączona, kiedy tylko będziesz tego potrzebował, a konfiguracja nie zajmie praktycznie żadnego czasu.

Ile kosztują wasze usługi?

Koszt integracji CRM różni się w zależności od pakietu usług. Każda cena pakietu, którą widzisz na naszej stronie internetowej, to jednorazowa płatność za nasze usługi, która obejmuje integrację CRM i konfigurację.Po dokonaniu jednorazowej płatności, będziesz musiał zapłacić tylko opłatę abonamentową za produkt oprogramowania CRM Planfix. Koszt opłaty abonamentowej za dalsze użytkowanie obliczany jest na podstawie liczby pracowników, którzy będą pracować na danym koncie. Dodatkowe szczegóły dotyczące cennika znajdują się na stronie

Jeśli po okresie testowym trzeba będzie wprowadzić poprawki, z kim należy się skontaktować?

Zwykle z większością klientów współpracujemy nawet po zakończeniu okresu testowego na zasadach płatności za usługi godzinowe. Są one ustalane indywidualnie.

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